Register now
Fill out the form and reserve your seat.
First name*
Last name*
Country of residence*
American Samoa
Antigua and Barbuda
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Burkina Faso
Cape Verde
Central African Republic
Costa Rica
Côte d'Ivoire
Czech Republic
Dominican Republic
East Timor
El Salvador
Equatorial Guinea
Great Britain & N.Ireland
Marshall Islands
New Zealand
North Korea
North Macedonia
Palestinian Territories
Papua New Guinea
Puerto Rico
Russian Federation
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
San Marino
São Tomé and Príncipe
Saudi Arabia
Sierra Leone
Solomon Islands
South Africa
South Korea
South Sudan
Sri Lanka
Trinidad and Tobago
United Arab Emirates
United States of America
Vatican City
Viet Nam
Work experience (post-graduate, in years)*
10 or more
When do you want to start?*
I am interested in:*
Executive MBA (specialization undecided)
Executive MBA Digital Transformation & Data Science
Executive MBA Energy Management
Executive MBA Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Executive MBA Finance
Executive MBA Life Science & Health Care Management
Executive MBA Strategic Marketing & Sales
Executive MBA Strategic Project Management
"Dirty Innovation" for Alumni & Friends
"Doing Business in Asia"
"Sustainability" (Finland, Nov 7-11, 2022)
(Un-)Möglichmacher HR
[DEV] Testevent Roman
11th Annual Getenergy Global 2015
13-11-2025 Stakeholder Reception
16-10-2024 FT Spotlight on EMBA
2014-09-18 AssCompact Trendtag
2015-02-16 Career Development Workshop Egon Zehnder
2015-02-19 WU Executive Insights: Paul Foley
2015-03 Access Austria (Tourismus & Event)
2015-03 Begin Executive MBA Fair Moscow 2015
2015-03-19 WU Executive Insights: C.A. Weinberger
2015-03-20 MBA Alumni Reunion Bucharest
2015-03-24 Info Session PMBA E&I
2015-03-Access MBA Tour Baku
2015-03-Access MBA Tour Moscow
2015-03-QS World MBA Tour Moscow
2015-04 WKO IEFT Istanbul
2015-04-02 Career Workshop Stanton Chase
2015-04-24 WU Executive Insights: Alexander Koppel
2015-04-27 Webinar Career Angels
2015-04-Access MBA Kuwait City
2015-05-12 MBA Alumni Reunion Sofia
2015-05-Access MBA Bucharest
2015-05-Access MBA Tour Sofia
2015-05-Access MBA Tour Warschau
2015-06-05 WU Executive Insights: Annette Froehlich
2015-06-11 WU Alumni Summer Party
2015-06-25 Career Event Strategy&
2015-09-17 WU Executive Insights: Nicholas Kondoprias
2015-09-21 MBA Alumni Reunion Bratislava
2015-09-30 MBA Alumni Lounge ÖBB
2015-10-14 Alumni Reunion Moscow
2015-10-14 Speed CV Check Bucharest
2015-10-20 Career Development Workshop Egon Zehnder
2015-10-Access MBA Tour Moscow
2015-10-Access MBA Tour St. Petersburg
2015-10-Access MBA Tour Vienna
2015-11 Access MBA Tour Belgrade
2015-11-05 Online Career Event Pedersen & Partners
2015-11-11 WU Executive Insights: Global Energy Outlook and Energy Policy
2015-11-12 WU Executive Insights: Markus Kienberger
2015-11-20 MBA Alumni Reunion Warsaw
2015-11-27 WU Executive Insights: Panel Discussion
2015-11-Access MBA Tour Bucharest
2015-11-Access MBA Tour Budapest
2015-11-Access MBA Tour Sofia
2015-12-04 Alumni Christmas Charity Event
2015-14-10-MBA Alumni Lounge Moscow
2016 09 29 AssCompact Trendtag
2016 12 22 Charity Punsch
2016-01-09 WU Ball 2016
2016-01-25 MBA Alumni Lounge January
2016-01-27 MBA Alumni Reunion Brno
2016-02-16 Infoabend ULG Logistik
2016-02-23 Webinar: Are you LinkedIn or LinkedOut?
2016-02-25 WU Executive Insights – Andrea Johanides
2016-03-11 MBA Alumni Lounge March
2016-03-17 Career Development Workshop Egon Zehnder
2016-03-31 WU Executive Insights – Thomas Fahnemann
2016-03-Access MBA Tour Baku
2016-03-Access MBA Tour Moscow
2016-04-13 Infoabend DBW/ULGs
2016-04-25 MBA Alumni Reunion Prague
2016-04-25 Online Infosession ULG Logistik
2016-04-29 WU Executive Insights – Interview Simulation with Amrop Jenewein
2016-05-12 Online Infosession ULGs DBW
2016-05-24 Infoveranstaltung URVM für Berufsschule St. Johann im Pongau
2016-05-31 10 Years Executive MBA Bucharest
2016-05-Access MBA Tour Bucharest
2016-05-Access MBA Tour Ljubljana
2016-05-Access MBA Tour Sofia
2016-05-Access MBA Tour Warsaw
2016-06-03 WU Executive Insights - Speed CV Check
2016-06-06 Company Visit voestalpine
2016-06-16 LLL Day Alumni Workshop
2016-06-16 WU Summer Celebration
2016-06-23 Infoabend DBW/ULGs
2016-06-23 Infoabend ULG Logistik
2016-06-28 Vedomosti Focus Forum Moscow
2016-06-30 AMBA Social Event
2016-09-13 Infoabend DBW/ULGs
2016-09-15 LinkedIn Webinar with Career Angels
2016-09-15 Podiumsdiskussion „Digital Leadership”
2016-09-19 Alumni Reunion Brno
2016-09-20 Alumni Reunion Zagreb
2016-09-20 Infoabend ULG Logistik
2016-09-25 AMBA Social Event Bucharest
2016-09-27 WU Executive Insights - Alexandra Gruber
2016-09-29 MBA Alumni Lounge - Erste Campus
2016-10-11 Bildungs- und Stipendienmesse Zagreb
2016-10-24 Infoveranstaltung URVM für Berufsschule St. Johann im Pongau
2016-10-27 WU Executive Insights - "innovatuev"
2016-10-Access MBA Tour Moscow
2016-10-Access MBA Tour St. Petersburg
2016-11 Access MBA Tour Belgrade
2016-11-09 Karrierefrühstück PremiQaMed
2016-11-10 Annual IAB Meeting
2016-11-18 Alumni Reunion Warsaw
2016-11-22 WU Executive Insights-M. Beliczky
2016-11-23 International Alumni Reunion Sofia
2016-11-24 WU Executive Insights - Responsible Leadership
2016-11-25 Dancingcourse for MBA
2016-11-25-WU-Executive Insights - "Corporate Start-ups"
2016-11-30 WU Executive Insights "Konfliktmanagement"
2016-11-Access MBA Tour Bucharest
2016-11-Access MBA Tour Budapest
2016-11-Access MBA Tour Prague
2016-11-Access MBA Tour Sofia
2016-12-09 DGS "Job Hunting" Career Angels
2016-12-13 Alumni Christmas Charity
2016-16-12 Alumni Christmas Party Bucharest
2017-01-12 Webinar International Field Trip
2017-01-13 Dancing course for Alumni
2017-01-14 WU Ball 2017
2017-01-20 WU Executive Insights-Harald Trautsch
2017-01-25 Rethink Leadership - BE mindful
2017-01-27 WU Executive Insights - dwarfs & Giants
2017-02-01 VBS Bildungsmesse
2017-02-17 Graduierungsfeier 11. Executive MBA PGM
2017-02-23 WU Executive Insights - Communication Styles
2017-02-28 Infoabend URVM
2017-02-28 LinkedIn Webinar with Career Angels
2017-02-Access MBA Kiev
2017-02-Access MBA Moscow
2017-03-02 MBA Alumni Lounge-Dr. Wesemann
2017-03-22 Future of Work
2017-03-23 Speed CV Check
2017-04-05 Career Cafe GEMBA
2017-04-05 Company Visit Rosenbauer
2017-04-19 Online Infosession URVM
2017-04-20 Alumni Ambassadors Reception
2017-04-20 MBA Alumni Lounge, voestalpine
2017-04-25 Infoabend DBW/ULGs
2017-04-25 miss_Infoabend DBW/ULGs
2017-05-04 Esterhazy Wine Tour
2017-05-05 GEMBA DGS Dan Laufer
2017-05-10 Infoveranstaltung URVM für Berufsschule St. Johann im Pongau
2017-05-16 Online Infosession ULGs DBW
2017-05-18 Brexit Event
2017-05-25 International Alumni Reunion Bucharest
2017-05-31 DGS GEMBA - Lens of Success
2017-05-Access MBA Bucharest
2017-05-Access MBA Budapest
2017-05-Access MBA Sofia
2017-05-Access MBA Vilnius
2017-06-20 Infoabend URVM
2017-06-21 DGS HCM Randstad
2017-06-22 EA@WU Summer Celebration
2017-06-22 Pitching & Storytelling Workshop
2017-06-22 Schnuppervorlesung “In 7 Schritten zum Marketingkonzept”
2017-06-28 Infoabend DBW/ULGs
2017-06-28 Infoabend DBW/ULGs-2
2017-08-04 WU Executive Insights GEMBA - TARGET
2017-09-08 WU Executive Insights GEMBA - Job Hunting
2017-09-12 | Infoabend-ULG-DBW
2017-09-12 Infoabend DBW/ULGs
2017-09-12 MBA Alumni Reunion Brno
2017-09-12-ULG_DBW Infoabend
2017-09-18 Company Visit Boehringer Ingelheim
2017-09-20 MBA Alumni Reunion Bratislava
2017-09-22 Lernen in und von anderen Welten – Innovation, Kreativität und Perspektivenwechsel
2017-09-25 Adventure tour @WU Executive Academy in Viennese Prater
2017-10-05 Ambassador Reception
2017-10-05 MBA Alumni Lounge Brenner&Company
2017-10-05-Access MBA Moscow
2017-10-07-Access MBA St. Petersburg
2017-10-10-Access MBA Vienna
2017-10-12-Premier Executive MBA event Vienna
2017-10-14 e-fellows MBA Day Vienna
2017-10-19 AssCompact Trendtag
2017-10-24 Infoveranstaltung URVM für Berufsschule St. Johann im Pongau
2017-11-01 Career Cafe Bucharest
2017-11-15 Roger Martin @ WUEA
2017-11-22 Webinar Job Hunting
2017-11-23 Annual IAB Meeting
2017-11-23 WU Executive Insights - Job Hunting 4 Experienced Managers
2017-11-24 WU Executive Insights - Leadership Orchester
2017-11-30-Access MBA Belgrade
2017-12-01 Meet Logistics Leaders
2017-12-02-Access MBA Sofia
2017-12-04-Access MBA Bucharest
2017-12-06 Alumni Christmas Charity hosted by ÖBB
2017-12-07-Access MBA Prague
2017-12-09-Access MBA Budapest
2017-12-13 Alumni Reunion Moscow
2017-12-13 Infoabend ULSCM
2017-12-7 GEMBA Career Breakfast with Korn Ferry
2018-01-12 Dancing course for Alumni
2018-01-13 WU Ball 2018
2018-01-23 WU Alumni Tuesday - Achtsamkeit
2018-02-03-Access MBA München
2018-02-05-Access MBA Zürich
2018-02-14 ULG FMA Graduierungsfeier
2018-02-14-Access MBA Kiev
2018-02-15 Ambassador Reception
2018-02-15 Entrepreneurship Café
2018-02-17-Access MBA Moscow
2018-02-19-Access MBA Baku
2018-02-27 Kurier Karriere Brunch
2018-03-01 GEMBA Career Café
2018-03-01 IAB Work Meeting
2018-03-02 WU Executive Insights "Good Better Greener"
2018-03-05 QS MBA Tour Vienna
2018-03-13 Online Infosession ULG Logistik
2018-03-22 International Alumni Reunion Sofia
2018-03-29 International Alumni Reunion Bucharest
2018-04-04 Online Law Info-Session auf Deutsch
2018-04-04 Online Law Info-Session in English
2018-04-10 GEMBA Welcome Dinner
2018-04-12 Digital Leaders Breakfast
2018-04-16 Alumni Reunion Prague with BMW and Talentor
2018-04-18 Infoabend DBW/ULGs
2018-04-23 Shades Tours für PMBA SM
2018-04-24 Infoabend ULG Logistik
2018-04-27 International Alumni Reunion Belgrade
2018-05-03 Career Cafe for PMBA
2018-05-09-Access MBA Ljubljana
2018-05-12 Access MBA Sofia
2018-05-14 Access MBA Bucharest
2018-05-15 Online Infosession ULGs DBW
2018-05-21 International Reunion Moskau
2018-06-05 Alumni Reunion Cluj
2018-06-05 Infoabend ULG Logistik
2018-06-06 10/15 Years Graduates - Reunion
2018-06-06 Alumni Reunion 10/15 Years MBA
2018-06-06 Infoabend DBW/ULGs
2018-06-06 MBA Alumni Lounge
2018-06-07 Career Breakfast mit Lars Maydell (bei GEMBA 2018-2019)
2018-06-14 Ambassador Reception
2018-06-14 EA@WU Summer Celebration
2018-06-14 Schnuppervorlesung “In 7 Schritten zum Marketingkonzept”
2018-09-03 Alumni Reunion St. Petersburg
2018-09-05 Infoabend ULG Logistik
2018-09-08 Female Leaders Network Kick-off
2018-09-11 Infoabend DBW/ULGs
2018-09-18 LinkedIn Webinar with Career Angels
2018-09-28 Die Macht des Scheiterns
2018-10-01 Company Visit Göss Brauerei
2018-10-01 Company Visit Göss Brauerei ++
2018-10-02 LinkedIn Webinar with Career Angels
2018-10-06-Access MBA Moscow
2018-10-12 International Alumni Reunion Belgrade
2018-10-12 International Alumni Reunion Belgrade ++
2018-10-15-Access MBA Zurich
2018-10-17-Access MBA Vienna
2018-10-18 AssCompact Trendtag
2018-10-20 e-fellows MBA Day Vienna
2018-11-02 Alumni Reunion Social in Bucharest
2018-11-02 Alumni Reunion Social in Bucharest ++
2018-11-02 Career Breakfast Bucharest
2018-11-02 Career Breakfast Bucharest ++I
2018-11-02 Career Breakfast Bucharest ++Z
2018-11-08 Company Visit Boehringer Ingelheim
2018-11-22 Ambassadors Reception
2018-11-22 MBA Alumni Lounge
2018-11-23 "Salary Negotiations for Experts"
2018-11-24-Access MBA Sofia
2018-11-27-Access MBA Bucharest
2018-11-29-Access MBA Belgrade
2018-12-04 "Are you LinkedIn or LinkedOUT? Attract recruiters & employers"
2018-12-04-Access MBA Budapest
2018-12-05 "Executive Job Search in 2018" - Career Workshop
2018-12-06-Access MBA Prague
2018-12-19 Entrepreneurship in East Africa – what we can learn from Silicon Savannah
2018-12-19 Entrepreneurship in East Africa ++
2018-12-20 Alumni Christmas Punsch
2019-01-11 MBA Dancing Class
2019-01-12 WU Ball 2019
2019-01-17 WU Executive Insights "Novartis: innovation strategies..:"
2019-01-18 DGS Salary Negotiations at PMBA Energy
2019-01-30 Bildungsmesse Vienna Business School
2019-02-11-Access MBA Zürich
2019-02-14 Ambassadors Reception
2019-02-14 WU EA Lounge "External Management in Family-run Companies"
2019-02-14 WU EA Lounge "External Management in Family-run Companies"**
2019-02-16-Access MBA Moscow
2019-02-19-Access MBA Kiev
2019-02-21 Are you LinkedIn or LinkedOUT? Interactive Online Lecture
2019-02-21 Executive Job Search in 2019 - Reality & Trends
2019-02-28 Infoabend URVM
2019-02-28 Strategic Price Management in FMCG Markets - WU Executive Insights
2019-03-05 QS MBA Tour Vienna
2019-03-07 Korn Ferry Breakfast
2019-03-07 WU Executive Insights "TheMove"
2019-03-08 Female Leaders Breakfast
2019-03-08 WU Executive Insights with Oracle
2019-03-22 Forbes Online Session
2019-03-22 WU EA Reunion Zagreb
2019-03-22 WU EA Reunion Zagreb++
2019-03-27 Company Visit weXelerate
2019-03-28 Career Café für PMBA
2019-03-29 Start-up & Entrepreneurship Fair
2019-04-03 GEMBA Job Search in 2019
2019-04-10 Infoabend ULGs/DBW
2019-04-23 Online Africa Panel "Next Stop South Africa"++
2019-04-23 Online Panel "Next Stop South Africa? Europe strong but still vulnerable partner?"
2019-05-08 Company Visit Securikett
2019-05-10-Access MBA Bucharest
2019-05-11-Access MBA Sofia
2019-05-14 Online-Infosession DBW/ULGs
2019-05-14 Online-Infosession URVM
2019-05-16 GEMBA Panel “Navigating your Career"
2019-05-24 10/15 Years Reunion
2019-05-24 WU EA Lounge with Andy Habermacher
2019-05-24 WU EA Lounge with Andy Habermacher ++
2019-05-27 Infoveranstaltung URVM für Berufsschule St. Johann im Pongau
2019-05-29 Online Lecture "Are you LinkedIn or LinkedOUT?"
2019-06-03 WU EA Reunion Bucharest
2019-06-05 Infoabend URVM
2019-06-06 Company Visit iSi Group
2019-06-06 Infoabend Universitätslehrgänge & Diplom BetriebswirtIn
2019-06-06 WU Executive Insights Brau Union
2019-06-13 Schnuppervorlesung “In 7 Schritten zum Marketingkonzept”
2019-06-14 GEMBA WU Executive Insights E. Kozel
2019-06-18 WU Executive Insights with Konrad Pesendorfer
2019-06-19 WU Executive Insights Josefine van Zanten
2019-06-19 WU Executive Insights Josefine van Zanten ++
2019-06-25 Tag der offenen Tür
2019-07-17 Online-Infosession DBW/ULGs
2019-07-30 Online-Infosession DBW/ULGs
2019-08-02 Compensation and Benefitsilva
2019-09 USA Field Trip
2019-09-04 Esterhazy Wine Tour
2019-09-05 Panel "Colorful Careers"
2019-09-11 Infoabend Universitätslehrgänge & Diplom BetriebswirtIn
2019-09-19 WU EA Reunion Timisoara
2019-09-27 PMBA Graduation 2019
2019-10-02 Are you LinkedIn or LinkedOut Advanced - Interactive Online Lecture
2019-10-04 João Paulo Pereira da Silva
2019-10-05-Access MBA Moscow
2019-10-08 Job Search in 2020 in Bucharest
2019-10-14-Access MBA Zurich
2019-10-16-Access MBA Vienna
2019-10-17 AssCompact Trendtag
2019-10-21 WU Reunion Prague
2019-10-21 WU Reunion Prague **
2019-10-25 WU Reunion Belgrade
2019-10-25 WU Reunion Belgrade **
2019-11-06-WU Master Day
2019-11-07 Africa Panel with Arnold Schuh
2019-11-07 HCM Graduierung
2019-11-08 100 Year Celebration Carlson School of Management
2019-11-08 IAB Meeting
2019-11-21 "Speed Dating for Executives" PMBA BC
2019-11-21 Ambassadors & IAB Reception
2019-11-23-Access MBA Sofia
2019-11-25 Infoveranstaltung URVM für Berufsschule St. Johann im Pongau
2019-11-26-Access MBA Bucharest
2019-11-28 Infoabend ULG Logistik
2019-11-28-Access MBA Belgrade
2019-11-30-Access MBA Budapest
2019-12-03-Access MBA Prague
2019-12-04 GEMBA Company Visit KISKA Salzburg
2019-12-05 GEMBA WU Executive Insights with C. Czernich
2019-12-06 GEMBA Career Talks with Lars Maydell
2019-12-06 GEMBA Career Talks with Lars Maydell **
2019-12-06 Meet Logistics Leaders
2019-12-19 WU EA Christmas Punsch @ Palais Harrach
2020-01-10 WU EA Dancing Class
2020-01-11 WU Ball 2020
2020-01-15 Company Visit RHI Magnesita
2020-01-23 Hub Reunion in Bucharest
2020-01-23 Hub Reunion in Bucharest***
2020-01-24 Career Workshop with Doris Hofmeister
2020-01-29 Infoabend ULG Logistik
2020-02-03-Access MBA Zurich f2f
2020-02-10 Access MBA Kyiv / Kiev f2f
2020-02-15-Access MBA Moscow f2f
2020-02-20 CEM Career Talk PMBA BC with Lars Maydell
2020-02-20 CEM Career Talk PMBA BC with Lars Maydell**
2020-02-24 "Black Box of Cooperation"- Lab Day PMBA BC
2020-02-24 "Black Box of Cooperation"- Lab Day PMBA BC**
2020-02-26 Company Visit Blue Planet Ecosystems
2020-03-02 Hub Reunion Prague
2020-03-02 Hub Reunion Prague**
2020-03-05 Ambassadors & IAB Reception
2020-03-06 WU EA Female Leaders Network Breakfast
2020-03-10 Are you LinkedIn or LinkedOut? - Interactive Online Lecture
2020-03-14 QS MBA Online Fair Vienna
2020-03-26 CEM "Selling yourself - how to establish a personal brand" DGS at PMB BC
2020-03-26 Forbes Womens Summit
2020-03-31 GEMBA Welcome Reception
2020-03-31 IAB Meeting
2020-04-02 Career Talk Lars Maydell GEMBA 19/20
2020-04-02 Executive Job Search-Trends & Reality in 2020
2020-04-03 Career Talk I Lars Maydell GEMBA 20/21
2020-04-09 ** CEM Webinar "Career & Job Search in light of COVID-19"
2020-04-09 CEM Webinar "Career & Job Search in light of COVID-19"
2020-04-16 Are you LinkedIn or LinkedOut? Advanced - Interactive Online Lecture
2020-04-21 WU EA Female Leaders Network's Digital Event
2020-04-22 Online-Infosession DBW/ULGs
2020-04-27 Career Café
2020-04-28 Virtual Hub Reunion "COVID-19 and CEE"
2020-04-28 Virtual Hub Reunion** "COVID-19 and CEE"**
2020-05-05 Online Infosession ULG Logistik
2020-05-05 Online-Infosession DBW/ULGs
2020-05-06 Company Visit KTM
2020-05-07 | Teaser Lecture Miquel Llado | Reimagine Future - Strategic Thinking for a New World
2020-05-07 | Teaser Lecture Miquel Llado | Reimagine Future - Strategic Thinking for a New World***
2020-05-07 Career Talk with Doris Hofmeister
2020-05-14 Female Leaders Network - Question Time
2020-05-20 | Teaser Lecture Ehud Ronn | The Message from the Markets
2020-05-20 | Teaser Lecture Ehud Ronn | The Message from the Markets***
2020-05-20 Career Talk "Achieving Career Success by Defining Goals"
2020-05-26 Premier Executive MBA Messe
2020-05-26 Virtual Hub Reunion
2020-05-29 | Teaser Lecture Dan Laufer | Communicating with the Media During a Crisis
2020-05-29 | Teaser Lecture Dan Laufer | Communicating with the Media During a Crisis***
2020-06-04 DGS@GEMBA "João Paulo Pereira da Silva"
2020-06-05 10/15 Year Reunion 2020
2020-06-08 | Teaser Lecture Phillip Nell | Corona and its Implications for International Strategy
2020-06-08 | Teaser Lecture Phillip Nell | Corona and its Implications for International Strategy***
2020-06-09 DGS@GEMBA "Georg Fürlinger"
2020-06-10 Schnuppervorlesung “In 7 Schritten zum Marketingkonzept”
2020-06-16 | Teaser Lecture Martina Huemann | Project Management as an Opportunity in a Crisis
2020-06-16 | Teaser Lecture Martina Huemann | Project Management as an Opportunity in a Crisis***
2020-06-16 CEM The Female Power Hour
2020-06-17 CEM Online Event "Interims Management"
2020-06-17 Info-Session LLM Digitalization & Tax Law
2020-06-18 CEM Adriatic Hub Reunion
2020-06-23 CEM Event "SHEInvest - Money talks"**
2020-06-23 CEM FLN Event "SHEInvest - Money talks"
2020-06-23 Online Info-Session PM Leadership & Unternehmensführung
2020-06-23 Online Infosession Universitätslehrgang Logistik & Supply Chain Management
2020-06-23 Online-Infosession Universitätslehrgänge & Diplom BetriebswirtIn
2020-06-25 Job Search in an uncertain 2020
2020-06-29 | Covid-19, Energy Management, and the Energy Transition
2020-06-30 CEM Virtual Hub Reunion
2020-07-02 Access MBA Online Serbia
2020-07-04 Access MBA Online Bulgaria
2020-07-06 Access MBA Online Romania
2020-07-06 I Outlook on the Professional MBA Peer Group
2020-07-09 CEM Online "Selling Yourself"
2020-07-17 Firmen Info-Session LL.M. Digitalization & Tax Law
2020-07-17 Info-Session Unternehmenspackage
2020-07-28 Infoabend Professional Master & Leadership & Unternehmensführung
2020-07-28 Infoabend Universitätslehrgänge und Diplom BetriebswirtIn
2020-07-29 Teaser Lecture with Franke
2020-07-29 Teaser Lecture, Prof. Franke Webinar: Boost your Innovation Skills in just one Hour***
2020-07-30 Infoabend Universitätslehrgang LSCM
2020-09-03 Virtual WU EA Lounge
2020-09-03 Virtual WU EA Lounge**
2020-09-03 Webinar Berufsbegleitend studieren
2020-09-04: How to succeed in uncertain times - Strategy talk with Bernhard Scherzinger
2020-09-09 Graduierung ULSC
2020-09-10 Infoabend Universitätslehrgang Logistik & Supply Chain Management
2020-09-14 I Outlook on the Professional MBA Peer Group
2020-09-15 Stein & Partner Career Workshop
2020-09-15 Stein & Partner Career Workshop***
2020-09-17 Infoabend Universitätslehrgänge & Diplom BetriebswirtIn
2020-09-23 3rd Female Power Hour
2020-09-23 Graduierung DBW
2020-09-23 Graduierung UMS
2020-09-23 Graduierung UTEM
2020-09-25 I Speed Networking Event
2020-09-29 Career Talk Up’N Change
2020-10-02 PMBA Graduation NM 2020
2020-10-02 PMBA Graduation VM 2020
2020-10-03-Access MBA Online Moscow
2020-10-14 Virtual Hub Reunion Switzerland
2020-10-14-Access MBA Online Zurich
2020-10-15-Access MBA Online CEE/Vienna
2020-10-17-QS MBA Online Fair CEE
2020-10-19 IAB Meeting
2020-10-28 4th Female Power Hour
2020-11-05 Ambassadors & IAB Reception ONLINE
2020-11-18 Women & MBA Online Event
2020-11-19 Forbes Womens Summit
2020-11-24 Premier EMBA Vienna Onine Fair
2020-11-25 Online-Infosession URVM
2020-11-25 PWN Event with Anita Kirilova
2020-11-25-Access MBA Online Bucharest
2020-11-26 Female Leaders Event on "Habit Change"
2020-11-26 Female Leaders Event on "Habit Change"***
2020-11-27 GEMBA Graduation 2020
2020-12-02 GEMBA Guestspeaker Alexander Klein
2020-12-02 STORNO Open House WU EA
2020-12-04 HCM Graduierung
2020-12-09 WU Matters Responsible Leadership
2020-12-10 Career Webinar "Getting Management Decisions"
2020-12-11 Outlook on the Global Executive MBA Peer Group
2020-12-17 Virtueller Punsch
2020-12-17 WU EA Christmas Punsch
2020-12-22 LinkedIn Revolution Webinar
2021-01-20 CEM Czech/Slovakian FLN Virtual Hub Reunion
2021-01-21 CEM Romanian FLN Virtual Hub Reunion
2021-01-26 Are you LinkedIn or LinkedOUT? Basic Online Lecture
2021-02-06 Access MBA Online Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan
2021-02-09 Access MBA Switzerland Online
2021-02-11 Access MBA DEU, AUT, SVN Online
2021-02-16 WU Executive Insights**
2021-02-17 FLN Power Hour Making it abroad (in Austria)
2021-02-17 FLN Power Hour Making it abroad (in Austria)**
2021-02-17 Online-Infosession URVM
2021-02-18 Online-Infosession Universitätslehrgänge & Diplom BetriebswirtIn
2021-02-23 CEM Virtual Hub Reunion - Networking
2021-02-23 CEM Virtual Hub Reunion - Networking**
2021-02-24 Online-Infosession Professional Master Leadership & Unternehmensführung
2021-02-25 QS Russia Online
2021-02-26 ExpertInnenforum – Impulstag / Universitätslehrgänge
2021-03-01 "The Rise and Fall of a Project Management Office“**
2021-03-01 Gastvortrag: „The Raise and Fall of a Project Manager“
2021-03-02 Romanian FLN Virtual Hub Reunion
2021-03-03 CEM "Your Opportunities within the Network"
2021-03-08 FLN Power Breakfast
2021-03-08 FLN Power Breakfast***
2021-03-08 QS Online Vienna
2021-03-10 Premier EMBA Europe Online
2021-03-13 Premier EMBA Europe Online
2021-03-15 | Lecture Phillip Nell | Corona and its Implications for International Strategy***
2021-03-15 | Teaser Lecture Phillip Nell | Corona and its Implications for International Strategy
2021-03-23 CEM IAB Meeting (online)
2021-03-25 CEM Selling Yourself Online Workshop
2021-04-06 Ambassadors & IAB Reception
2021-04-14 CEM Female Power Hour April Female Entrepreneurs by FLN
2021-04-14 CEM Female Power Hour April Female Entrepreneurs**
2021-04-14 Online-Infosession Universitätslehrgänge & Diplom BetriebswirtIn
2021-04-15 Online-Infosession Professional Master Leadership & Unternehmensführung
2021-04-19 CEM Croatian FLN Virtual Hub Reunion
2021-04-20-22 Virtual Career Days
2021-04-21 Online-Infosession URVM
2021-04-22 CEM SK CZ FLN Virtual Hub Reunion
2021-04-27 CEM Virtual Hub Reunion with Martina Kapral
2021-04-27 CEM Virtual Hub Reunion with Martina Kapral***
2021-05-05 Digitization: The Changing World of Project Management
2021-05-12 Access MBA TUR, SRB, ALB, MKD Online
2021-05-12 CEM Hub Reunion Swiss** Some thoughts on PMOs, PMO Management, Perspectives, and AIPMO
2021-05-12 CEM Swiss Hub Reunion
2021-05-15 Access MBA BGR, ROU, HRV, GRC Online
2021-05-18 Access MBA POL LVA, LTU, EST Online
2021-05-18 Online-Infosession Universitätslehrgänge & Diplom BetriebswirtIn
2021-05-20 Online Infosession PM Accounting, Auditing & Taxation
2021-05-25 Online-Infosession Professional Master Leadership & Unternehmensführung
2021-05-27 Webinar: Leveraging the Power of TaxTech
2021-06-01 Female Power Hour by FLN
2021-06-01 Female Power Hour***
2021-06-07 Croatian FLN Hub Reunion
2021-06-10 CEM Hub Reunion Swiss
2021-06-10 CEM Hub Reunion Swiss** How to Establish a Successful Corporate Culture
2021-06-10 Diversity of PM Careers***
2021-06-10 Project Management
2021-06-10 Women & MBA Access Online event
2021-06-15 BusinessBecause Webinar on Part-time MBA
2021-06-15 FLN - GEMBA
2021-06-15 Online-Infosession Universitätslehrgänge & Diplom BetriebswirtIn
2021-06-17 Graduierung URVM
2021-06-22 Panel | Embarking on an International Career after Your Executive MBA
2021-06-24 Q&A-Session für Professional Master Leadership & Unternehmensführung
2021-06-25 Admission & Application Steps MBA & Master of Laws
2021-06-29 Your career opportunities within the network
2021-07-01 10/15 Year Reunion
2021-07-01 HCM Graduierung
2021-07-12 I Outlook on your MBA journey
2021-09-08 Online Info-Session MBA MLaw Financing
2021-09-09 CEM Croatian FLN Virtual Hub Reunion
2021-09-13 I Outlook on your MBA journey
2021-09-15 CEM LinkedIn Advanced
2021-09-15 Infoabend Universitätslehrgänge & Diplom BetriebswirtIn
2021-09-20 Graduierung DBW+PMLU
2021-09-20 Graduierung UTEM+UMS
2021-09-23 FLN Power Breakfast
2021-09-23 FLN Power Breakfast***
2021-09-28 CEM Online Panel "Cybersecurity"
2021-09-28 CEM Online Panel "Cybersecurity" ***
2021-09-28 QS RUS, UKR, Central Asia Online
2021-09-29 Access Austria & Germany Online
2021-09-30 PMBA Graduation 2021
2021-10-06 CEM Online Panel for EMBA BUC on Entrepreneurs
2021-10-06 CEM Online Panel for EMBA BUC on Entrepreneurs***
2021-10-09 Access Russia Online
2021-10-11 Access Switzerland Online
2021-10-13 CEM WU EA FLN Romanian Hub
2021-10-14 QS Connect MBA CEE Online
2021-10-19 Ambassadors & IAB Reception
2021-10-27 The power of pause with Sabina Brennan
2021-10-27 The power of pause with Sabina Brennan ***
2021-10-28 MLS Graduierung 2021
2021-11-03 Female Power Hour ***
2021-11-03 Female Power Hour by FLN
2021-11-04 Premier EMBA W & E Europe Online
2021-11-05 CEM New Perspectives 4 U
2021-11-08 CEM Companies4U Kardex Remstar
2021-11-09 CEM Companies4U Erste Bank
2021-11-10 CEM Companies4U Red Bull GmbH
2021-11-11 CEM Companies4U Mondi Group
2021-11-11: Doing an MBA or a Master of Laws next to a Busy Schedule
2021-11-16 CEM IAB Meeting
2021-11-16 CEM Stakeholder Reception
2021-11-18 GEMBA 19/20 Graduation VM
2021-11-18 GEMBA 20/21 Graduation NM
2021-11-19 LL.M. Digitalization & Tax Law Graduierung 2021
2021-11-24 Access Romania Online
2021-11-25 CEM Webinar "Essential habits for Leaders" - Nathalie Karre
2021-11-27 Access Bulgaria Online
2021-12-01 Infoabend Universitätslehrgang Logistik & Supply Chain Management
2021-12-02 STORNO HCM Graduierung
2021-12-02: Insights on the Global Executive MBA
2021-12-04 Access MBA Serbia, Albania, Turkey Fair Online
2021-12-07 EA Weihnachtsfeier intern
2021-12-08 Access HUN, HRV, CZR Online
2021-12-16 Christmas Punsch - storniert
2021-2-26 Outlook on the Global Executive MBA Peer Group
2022 I Outlook on your MBA journey (date tba)
2022 Mentoring4U Program (FLN)
2022-01-08 WU Ball 2022 - storniert
2022-01-13 - Infoabend DBW+PMLU für aktive ULG-Teilnehmer
2022-01-13 Eveningevent for PMBA BC
2022-01-25 CEM LinkedIn Basic
2022-01-25 Infoabend Universitätslehrgang Logistik & Supply Chain Management
2022-01-26 Online-Infosession PMLU
2022-02-09 Female Power Hour ONLINE by FLN
2022-02-09 FLN Power Hour *** ONLINE
2022-02-17 Abendevent bei PMBA BC
2022-02-22 CEM Establish your own brand Workshop
2022-02-22 Webinar - PMBA PM
2022-02-24 Infoabend Universitätslehrgänge & DiplombetriebswirtIn
2022-03-08 Female Power Business Breakfast + FLN4U ONLINE
2022-03-08 FLN Power Business Breakfast + FLN4U*** ONLINE
2022-03-09 Access MBA Western Europe Online
2022-03-15 Info-Session How to choose an MBA/LLM
2022-03-17 CEM Stakeholder Reception
2022-03-23 Online-Infosession PMLU
2022-03-24 Abendevent bei PMBA BC Mae Leyrer
2022-03-25 CEM Hub Reunion Swiss
2022-03-25 CEM Hub Reunion Swiss***
2022-03-30 Access MBA Zurich
2022-03-31 Abschlussfeier UPA20
2022-04-01 Executive MBA Bucharest 20/22 Graduation
2022-04-05 Infoabend ULG/DBW
2022-04-05 STORNO Companies4U Part1
2022-04-07 Abendevent bei GEMBA 21-22
2022-04-07 Abendevent bei GEMBA 22-23 Sandra Bichl
2022-04-08 FLN Power Breakfast LIVE
2022-04-08 FLN Power Breakfast*** LIVE
2022-04-26 Infoabend ULSC
2022-04-26 STORNO CEM PPT – Your Opportunities within the Network
2022-05-04 Female Power Hour ONLINE by FLN
2022-05-04 Female Power Hour*** ONLINE
2022-05-06 10/15 Year Reunion (for 2007+2012)
2022-05-06 Key-note 10/15 YR (Abends)
2022-05-10 Access MBA Budapest
2022-05-12 Access MBA Bucharest
2022-05-13 PM Financial Supervision Graduation
2022-05-17 Infoabend ULG/DBW
2022-05-19 Infosession PMLU
2022-05-19 New Work New Skills Deutsche Handelsblatt Webinar
2022-05-24 Infoveranstaltung URVM für Berufsschule St. Johann im Pongau
2022-05-25 EA Springbreak intern
2022-05-31 Virtual Career Days
2022-06-01 Info-Session How to choose an MBA/LLM
2022-06-03 Executive MBA Bucharest 18/20 & 19/21 Graduation
2022-06-07 Infoabend ULSC
2022-06-09 CEM Hub Reunion Bucharest
2022-06-09 Open House
2022-06-21 Infoabend PMLU
2022-06-22 DHB Webinar Energiewende
2022-06-22 Infoabend ULG/DBW
2022-06-23 Female Power Hour + FLN4U ONLINE
2022-06-23 Female Power Hour + FLN4U***
2022-06-30 HCM Graduierung
2022-07-05 STORNO CEM PPT - Career
2022-07-08 GEMBA Graduation 2022
2022-07-18 Outlook on your MBA journey
2022-08-04 My MBA Journey - Georg Hadl
2022-08-10 Online Open House
2022-08-24 My MBA Experience
2022-09-07 CANCELLED CEM New Work
2022-09-07 CANCELLED New Work ***
2022-09-08 Studienberatung ULG/DBW
2022-09-12 Outlook on your MBA journey
2022-09-13 E-xperience (EA intern)
2022-09-13 LinkedIn Advanced
2022-09-14 Infoabend ULSC
2022-09-15 Graduierung ULSC
2022-09-21 Female Power Hour + FLN4U ** HYBRID
2022-09-21 Female Power Hour + FLN4U HYBRID
2022-09-21 Infoabend ULG/DBW
2022-09-27 Graduierung UMS+DBW+PMLU
2022-09-30 PMBA Graduation 2022
2022-10-05 AssCompact Trendtag 2022
2022-10-06 Access MBA Munich
2022-10-10 Access MBA Zurich
2022-10-11 Access MBA Vienna
2022-10-13 CEM Hub Reunion Munich
2022-10-13 Hub Reunion Munich**
2022-10-17 Asfinag Company Visit
2022-10-18 CEM Companies4U - Hoerbiger
2022-10-19 CEM Companies4U - Deloitte
2022-10-19 Why My MBA Paid Off
2022-10-20 CEM Companies4U - Vestas
2022-10-21 CV Kardex + Companies4U abgesagt
2022-11-16 CEM IAB Meeting + Stakeholder Reception
2022-11-17 QS MBA Fair Germany, Austria & Switzerland Online
2022-11-18 CANCELLED New Perspectives4U
2022-11-22 Access MBA Bucharest
2022-11-23 Future of Healthcare-FLN
2022-11-23 LL.M. Digitalization & Tax Law Graduation 2022
2022-11-23 Online-Infosession URVM
2022-11-24 Virtual Open House
2022-11-29 WU EA Open House
2022-1-18 Teaser Lecture EMBA Covid-19 & International Strategy Implications
2022-12-13 EA Weihnachtsfeier 2022
2022-12-15 HCM Graduierung 2022
2022-12-20 Charity Punsch der ULGs
2022-12-20 Christmas Punsch with FLN
2023 Mentoring4U Program (IAB)
2023-01-12 MBA Speed Dating
2023-01-14 WU Ball 2023
2023-01-25 CEM LinkedIn Basic Webinar
2023-01-26 Strategisches Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement
2023-01-31 CEM Hub Reunion München
2023-02-02 Online-Infosession URVM
2023-02-15 Access MBA Hamburg
2023-02-21 Access MBA Hamburg
2023-02-23 Infoabend Bachelor (CE) und Master (CE)
2023-02-23 Infoabend ULG/DBW
2023-02-25 Access MBA Genf
2023-02-25 Access MBA Genf
2023-02-27 Access MBA Zürich
2023-02-27 Access MBA Zürich
2023-03-08 Embrace Equity powered by FLN
2023-03-08 Embrace Equity powered by FLN**
2023-03-16 ULG Public Auditing 21/22 Abschlussfeier
2023-03-23 MBA Evening Event "Selling Yourself - Establish your own Brand"
2023-03-27 CEM LinkedIn Masterclass
2023-03-29 Infosession Bachelor (CE) und Master (CE)
2023-03-31 BBG Panel Discussion & Conference
2023-04-03 Access MBA Europe Online
2023-04-03 Access MBA ONLINE Europe
2023-04-03 Access MBA ONLINE Europe
2023-04-14 CEM Croation Hub Reunion
2023-04-18-20 CEM Virtual Career Days
2023-04-19 Online-Infosession URVM
2023-04-20 Access MBA Bucharest
2023-04-20 AccessMBA Bucharest
2023-04-25 Access MBA Budapest
2023-04-25 AccessMBA Budapest
2023-04-25 Connecting @ Breakfast by FLN
2023-04-25 Connecting @ Breakfast by FLN**
2023-04-25 Infoabend ULG / DBW
2023-04-28 EMBA Bucharest Graduation
2023-05-02 Infosession Bachelor (CE) und Master (CE)
2023-05-04 CEM 10/15/20 Year Reunion 2023 (2013+2008+2003)
2023-05-04 Community Lounge
2023-05-04 Community Lounge-Sustainability ***
2023-05-10 Infosession LLM DigiTax
2023-05-16 Infoveranstaltung URVM für Landesberufsschule St. Johann im Pongau
2023-05-26 CANCELLED: Hub Reunion Belgrade
2023-05-31 EA Team-Tag
2023-06-06 Online-Infosession URVM
2023-06-07 Open House
2023-06-07 Schnuppervorlesung "In 7 Schritten zum Marketingkonzept"
2023-06-07 WU Alumni Lounge at the WU Sommerfest
2023-06-13 Graduierung URVM
2023-06-14 MLS & LL.M. Graduierung
2023-06-14 WU EA Alumni Gathering Bulgaria
2023-06-15 FLN Lunch & Learn: Achieving Financial Independence**
2023-06-15 Infosession MBA
2023-06-15 Lunch & Learn: Achieving Financial Independence by FLN
2023-06-16 PM SET Graduation
2023-06-20 15 Years Anniversary EMBA Bucharest
2023-06-22 GEMBA Graduation Ceremony
2023-06-23 PM SIM Graduation
2023-06-26 Governance Excellence Zertifikatsverleihung
2023-07-14 Outlook on your MBA journey
2023-08-29 Infosession GEMBA
2023-09-14 Infosession Universitätslehrgänge & Diplom Betriebswirt*in
2023-09-15 Outlook on your MBA journey
2023-09-19 Graduierung DBW/PMLU
2023-09-19 Graduierung UMS
2023-09-19 Graduierung UTEM
2023-09-20 CEM LinkedIn Advanced Webinar
2023-09-26 Infosession MSc SIM
2023-09-28 PMBA Graduation
2023-10-04 Designing your Life Workshop Lunchbreak
2023-10-05 CEM AI Dilemma by FLN
2023-10-05 CEM Annual IAB Meeting
2023-10-05 CEM Mentoring Wrap up
2023-10-05 FLN CEM AI Dilemma ***
2023-10-07 Access MBA München
2023-10-09 Access MBA Frankfurt
2023-10-10 Access MBA Hamburg
2023-10-12 Access MBA Zürich
2023-10-16 Access MBA Wien
2023-11-10 GEMBA Abendevent for all CEM
2023-11-21 Infosession GEMBA
2023-11-23 Forbes Women's Summit Vienna with FLN
2023-11-25 Access MBA Bucharest
2023-11-27 Online-Infosession Universitätslehrgang Logistik & Supply Chain Management
2023-12-06 EA Open House
2023-12-06 Landes-Berufsschule St. Johann im Pongau
2023-12-11 Gettogether German Hub
2023-12-12 Christmas in the Hub Bulgaria
2023-12-12 EA Weihnachtsfeier
2023-12-14 HCM Graduierung
2023-12-15 LL.M. Graduation
2023-12-19 WU EA Punch with FLN
2023-12-19 WU EA Punch***
2024/04/10 Forum Hospital Management 2024
2024: Selected Topics in Digital Transformation & Data Science
2024-01-10 Infosession GEMBA
2024-01-11 EU Green Deal - MBA BC Event
2024-01-13 WU Ball 2024
2024-01-16 Infosession MBA 1
2024-01-19 Expert*innenforum: Meet Logistics Leaders - "Logistik auf dem Weg zu Zero-CO2-Emissionen"
2024-01-24 LinkedIn Basic
2024-02-02 Impulstag Expert*innenforum
2024-02-12 Access MBA Zurich
2024-02-14 bis 2024-06-13 Mentoring4U
2024-02-14 Mentoring4U Online Kickoff
2024-02-15 Access MBA Berlin
2024-02-15 MBA BC Abendevent Sustainability
2024-02-27 Infosession Bachelor (CE) und Master (CE)
2024-03-01 MSc Leadership & Unternehmensführung - Graduierung
2024-03-01 UPA Abschlussfeier
2024-03-04 Cross Mentoring DG 4 2024-2025 Kick-Off
2024-03-05 GEMBA Kickoff Dinner
2024-03-06 Orientation Day GEMBA CEM Präsentation
2024-03-08 BeSt Messe 2024
2024-03-08 International Women's Day - Female Leaders Breakfast by FLN
2024-03-08 International Women's Day - Female Leaders Breakfast by FLN***
2024-03-12 MBa Mobility Management Porsche Tandem Night (Foyer gebucht)
2024-03-13 Stakeholder Online Reception
2024-03-13 Vortragendenmeeting ULSC
2024-03-20 AI for All
2024-03-20 AI for All***
2024-03-20 Infosession Let´s talk about your EMBA!
2024-03-20 KI für Alle | UGP
2024-03-20 Online-Infosession Universitätslehrgang Logistik & Supply Chain Management
2024-03-21 Infosession Universitätslehrgänge & Diplom Betriebswirt*in
2024-03-21 MBA BC Denise Vorraber
2024-04-04 GEMBA 23/24 Abendevent "Peer to Peer"
2024-04-10 Hub Reunion Bucharest
2024-04-11 GEMBA 24/25 Abendevent
2024-04-12 Karriere-Kompass UGP Nachmittag
2024-04-12 Microsoft Event
2024-04-16 Access MBA Budapest
2024-04-16-18 CEM Virtual Career Days
2024-04-18 Access MBA Prag
2024-04-19 Infosession EMBA Buc
2024-04-20 Access MBA Sofia
2024-04-23 Access MBA Bukarest
2024-04-24 IAB Breakfast
2024-04-24 IAB Breakfast ***
2024-04-24 Infosession Bachelor (CE) und Master (CE)
2024-04-26 Executive MBA Bucharest - Graduation
2024-05-02 MBA BC Peer to Peer?
2024-05-06 Company Visit Silhouette
2024-05-15 Infosession Universitätslehrgänge & Diplom Betriebswirt*in
2024-05-16 Lunch & Learn FLN
2024-05-16 Lunch & Learn FLN ***
2024-05-17 MSc Sustainability & Entrepreneurship & Technology Graduation
2024-05-21 Online-Infosession EMBA Entrepreneurship & Innovation
2024-05-22 Online-Infosession Universitätslehrgang Logistik & Supply Chain Management
2024-05-23 Bridging the Years + GEMBA 24/25 Abendevent
2024-05-23 Bridging the Years + GEMBA 24/25 Abendevent **
2024-05-23 MBA Homecoming Day 10/15/20/25 Year Reunion
2024-05-24 Fragestunde für Absolventinnen ULGs
2024-05-27 Online Infosession EMBA Strategic Project Management
2024-05-28 EA Team Tag
2024-05-29 Online-Infosession EMBA Digital Transformation & Data Science
2024-06-05 EEP Future Conference Abschlusspräsentation? Porsche in house program
2024-06-06 FORBES Money Summit
2024-06-06 WU EA Hub Romania Cluj Gettogether
2024-06-13 EMBA Bucharest Event - Psychopaths in the C-Suite – Myth or Reality?
2024-06-13 EMBA Open House
2024-06-13 Mentoring4U Closing Event
2024-06-13 Open House UGP
2024-06-13 Psychological Safety: Key to Innovation, Adaptability, and Resilience in Business
2024-06-13 Schnuppervorlesung "In 7 Schritten zum Marketingkonzept"
2024-06-13 WU Alumni Lounge @ Sommerfest
2024-06-19 Tour through Austria's Parliament
2024-06-20 Female Leaders Network Breakfast**
2024-06-20 FLN Connecting @ Breakfast
2024-06-20 GEMBA Graduation 2024
2024-06-25 AI for Executives - Online Workshop
2024-06-26 Infosession Bachelor (CE) und Master (CE)
2024-06-26 Online Infosession EMBA FIN
2024-07-07 Hub Reunion Timisoara
2024-07-11 Hub Reunion Cluj
2024-07-11 Hub Reunion Cluj**
2024-07-11 Online Q&A Session EMBA Strategic Project Management
2024-07-24 Online Infosession EMBA eng Last Seats
2024-07-24 UGP all Online Infoabend
2024-08-12 Online Infosession EMBA HCM
2024-08-13 Hub Reunion Bratislava
2024-08-13 Hub Reunion Bratislava**
2024-08-13 Online Infosession EMBA EM
2024-08-14 Online Infosession GEMBA
2024-09-04 ULSC Online Infoabend
2024-09-05 "Layers of a woman" FLN BUC Event
2024-09-05 "Layers of a woman" FLN BUC Event ***
2024-09-05 IAB Gettogether
2024-09-05 IAB Gettogether***
2024-09-11 MSc Financial Supervision - Graduierungsfeier
2024-09-11 ULCSM Abschlussfeier
2024-09-12 Online-Infoabend UMS, DBW, BSc E
2024-09-23 Farewell BS
2024-09-24 Abschlussfeier & Urkundenverleihung: WU Executive Academy
2024-09-26 MBA Graduation 2024
2024-10-01 Access MBA Zürich
2024-10-07 Company Visit Markas Uniklinikum St. Pölten
2024-10-10 Access MBA Hamburg
2024-10-10 Mentoring4U Program Kick-off
2024-10-10-2025-02-13 Mentoring4U Program
2024-10-12 Access MBA München
2024-10-14 Embarking Together MBA Kick off
2024-10-15 Access MBA Wien
2024-10-17 Hub Reunion Cluj-Napoca FLN
2024-10-21 MBA MM 24/26 Kickoff
2024-10-22 MBA MM 24/26 Future Conference
2024-11-06 FORBES Women Summit FLN
2024-11-13 Online-Infoabend URVM
2024-11-14 Navigating Career Transition FLN
2024-11-16 Access MBA Bucharest
2024-11-18 Hub Reunion Germany
2024-11-18 Hub Reunion Germany***
2024-11-19 EA Open House
2024-11-20 Annual IAB Meeting 2024
2024-11-20 Infosession LLM RF
2024-11-20 Online Infosession GEMBA 2
2024-11-20 Stakeholder Reception
2024-11-21 Access MBA Belgrad
2024-11-21 MBA Abendevent "Personal Brand"
2024-11-21 MSc SIM Graduation
2024-11-28 LinkedIN Advanced Online Session
2024-12-? FL Events
2024-12-? UGP Events
2024-12-04 Online Webinar Cybersecurity
2024-12-10 HCM Graduierung
2024-12-11 Punsch UGP
2024-12-11 Winter Open House EMBA LLM
2024-12-11 Winter Open House Undergraduate Programs
2024-12-11 WU EA Punsch
2024-12-13 X-Mas Party Bucharest
2024-12-17 How to use WU EA Connect, the Community Platform
2024-4-25 ESG Event
2025/04/03 Forum Hospital Management 2025
2025: Selected Topics in Digital Transformation & Data Science
2025-01-10 MBA Dancing Class
2025-01-11 WU Ball 2025
2025-01-15 Online-Infoabend ULG Risiko- & Versicherungsmanagement
2025-01-16 Inauguration Reunion MENA Hub
2025-01-21 CEM LinkedIn Basic Webinar
2025-01-22 Online-Infoabend MSc Leadership & Unternehmensführung
2025-01-27 Female Leaders Breakfast
2025-01-27 Female Leaders Breakfast***
2025-01-28 Online-Infoabend berufsbegleitender Bachelor
2025-01-28 Online-Infoabend Diplom-Betriebswirt*in & Universitätslehrgang Marketing & Sales
2025-01-29 Companies4U
2025-02-01 Access MBA Messe Zürich
2025-02-12 Access MBA Messe Berlin
2025-02-13 BC Abendevent Compensation & Benefits
2025-02-13 Mentoring4U Closing
2025-02-15 Access MBA Messe München
2025-02-20 AMBA Career Webinar
2025-03-05 Infosession EMBA LSHCM + HCM
2025-03-07 (prospects) FLN Event zum Intern. Women Day***
2025-03-07 FLN Event zum Intern. Women's Day
2025-03-14 25 Years GEMBA
2025-03-17 (prospects) Benelux Hub Inauguration***
2025-03-17 Benelux Hub Inauguration
2025-03-20 akademische Abschlussfeier ULG Public Auditing 23/24
2025-03-20 Online Infosession Vienna Executive MBAs with Specialization Options
2025-03-21 Mentees Mentoring4U
2025-03-21 Mentoring4U 2025 - Kick-off
2025-03-21 Mentors Mentoring4U
2025-03-26 Online Infoabend Universitätslehrgang Risiko- & Versicherungsmanagement
2025-03-26 Online-Infoabend MSc Leadership & Unternehmensführung
2025-03-27 Online-Infoabend berufsbegleitender Bachelor
2025-03-27 Online-Infoabend Diplom Betriebswirt*in & Universitätslehrgang Marketing & Sales
2025-03-27 Online-Infoabend Diplom-Betriebswirt*in & Universitätslehrgang Marketing & Sales
2025-04-03 Hub Manager Lunch & Learn
2025-04-04 Karriere-Kompass
2025-04-08-10 Virtual Career Days
2025-04-11 Executive MBA Bucharest - Graduation
2025-04-22-05-09 Karriere-Kompass Coaching Days
2025-04-23 How to WU EA Connect Webinar
2025-04-30 Companies4U Career Lunch&Learn
2025-05-06 Governance Excellence Zertifikatsverleihung
2025-05-07 Access MBA Messe Prag
2025-05-08 Hub Reunion Bucharest
2025-05-08 VEMBA Abendevent
2025-05-10 Access MBA Messe Sofia
2025-05-12 Access MBA Messe Bucharest
2025-05-20 Online-Infoabend Bachelor/Diplom-Betriebswirt*in/ULG Marketing & Sales
2025-05-21 Company Visit Securikett
2025-05-22 Bridging the Years
2025-05-22 MBA Homecoming Day 10/15/20/25 Year Reunion
2025-06-10 Online Stakeholder Get-together
2025-06-12 WU Sommerfest BBS Guests
2025-06-13 EMBA BC Closing Even
2025-06-20 Global EMBA Graduation
2025-06-20 LLM Recht für Führungskräfte - Graduierung
2025-06-20 PM SET Graduation
2025-09-23 LinkedIn Advanced Session
2025-09-25 MBA Graduation
2025-11-05 WU Entrepreneurship Center - Lunch&Learn Webinar
2025-11-20 HCM Graduierung
2025-11-20 MSc Social Innovation & Management - Graduation
2025-11-26 WU EA Connect Webinar
2026-04-24 Executive MBA Bucharest - Graduation
2026-06-19 Global EMBA Graduation
2026-09-24 Executive MBA Graduation
2027-06-18 Global Executive MBA 25-27 Graduation Ceremony
24-03-13 Advisory Board Meeting ULSC
ABGESAGT: New Leadership – Partizipation als Success Faktor im BANI Zeitalter
AI and Equal Opportunities***
AI in HR
Alumni Reunion Bratislava
Annual Open House 2016-12-07
Annual Open House 2017-12-05
Annual Open House 2018-12-04
Annual Open House 2019-12-10
Annual Open House 2021-23-11 - abgesagt
AssCompact Trendtag 2024
Awaken your inner rebel – start questioning the status quo
Balkan Energy Finance Forum 2016-10-31
BeSt | Wien 2015-03-05
BeSt | Wien 2016-03
BeSt | Wien 2017-03
BeSt | Wien 2018-03
BeSt | Wien 2019-03 | UTEM Stand
BeSt | Wien 2019-03 | WU Stand
BeSt | Wien 2020-03 | Tourismusstand
BeSt | Wien 2020-03 | WU Stand
Besuch Berufsschule St. Johann/Pongau
Bildungsmesse Vienna Business School | 2015-02-25
BK QR Code Testevent
Breakfast Talk "The dragon reaching the Savannah – Chinese engagement in East Africa"
Business Breakfast "Freund statt Feind: Personal-Sharing mit der Konkurrenz?"
Business Breakfast "Social Entre- & Intrapreneurship - Sinnstiftung durch und in Organisationen"
Business Breakfast Neuroscience Andy Habermacher
Business Breakfast Neuroscience Andy Habermacher ++
CANCELLED Contemporary Issues in Global Business (July 24-27, 2023)
CANCELLED: Hub Reunion Belgrade**
CMD Workshop: Dirty Innovation
CMD Workshop: Dirty Innovation Bucharest
Contemporary Issues in Global Business (August 5-9 , 2024) EMBA Buc
Contemporary Issues in Global Business (July 17-21, 2023)
Contemporary Issues in Global Business (NYC -July 14-18, 2025) EMBA Buc
Curling - Winter Festivity - 10.12.2024
Data Management in Agile Organizations
Data Science - Networking Event
Data Science - Networking Event
Data Science Reunion
Die fabelhafte Welt der Führung - Leadership reloaded
Dirty Innovation
EBM Praxiskreistreffen
Employer Branding Strategy Lab - What’s next? Powered by DEBA GmbH
Energy Trading & Energy Lab
Executive LoungeWU - Generationenmanagement aus der Führungskräftesicht
Executive MBA Finance | International Immersion to Boston & New York: Hot Topics in Finance
ExEd Test Event
Field Trip Boston EI15/EI16
Finance Gym Webinar 2020
Finance in Digital Transformation & Data Science
Forum Hospital Management 2016
Forum Hospital Management 2017
Forum Hospital Management 2018
Forum Hospital Management 2019
Forum Hospital Management 2020
Forum Hospital Management 2021
Forum Hospital Management 2022
Forum Hospital Management 2023
Future of Learning Breakfast - November 2017
Global Executive MBA 2016-17: Graduierung
Global Executive MBA 2017-18: Welcome Reception
Global Executive MBA Graduation 2019
Global Strategies and Innovation (New York/Minneapolis, USA)
Governance Excellence Zertiftikatsverleihung 2024
Graduation Executive MBA Bucharest 2015-2017
Graduierung LLM BMJ 2015
Graduierung MLS 2013-2015
Green Human Resource Management (HRM) – Die Zukunft des Personalwesens?
Harvard Business Review & WU CEO Club Event-2018-11-12
Hot Topics in Finance
HR Welcome Reception
Info lunch with ENGAGE.EU: Explore international learning opportunities
Infoabend Diplom BetriebswirtIn & Universitätslehrgänge | 2015-06-23
Infoabend Diplom BetriebswirtIn & Universitätslehrgänge | 2015-09
Info-Abend URVM-VU 2015-06-24
Infosession | 07.07.2022 | Accounting und Auditing, MSc (ce)
Infosession | 13.09.2022 | Accounting und Auditing, MSc (ce)
Infosession | 15.11.2022 | Accounting und Auditing, MSc (ce)
Infosession | 21.09.2023 | Accounting und Auditing, MSc (CE)
Infosession | 22.11.2021 | PM Accounting, Auditing & Taxation
Infosession | 28.09.2021 | PM Accounting, Auditing & Taxation
Infosession 2022-10-17
Info-Session Career Development after an MBA & Law Program | Online 2021-04-09
Infosession EMBA HCM 26-06-2023
Infosession LL.M. 2023-03-14
Infosession LLM RF 12-06-2023
Infosession MBA 2023-03-14
Infosession MSc.AA
International Immersion "Doing Business in Asia"
International Immersion "Doing Business in Asia"
International Immersion + Graduation USA
International Immersion + Graduation USA
International Immersion GEMBA 2024-2025 Portugal
International Immersion LATAM 2023-2024
International Immersion: Energy Trading & Energy Lab
International Vienna Energy and Climate Forum
Kamingespräch Governance Excellence | 07.10.2024
Kweb Testevent
Leading the Sustainability Agenda (Immersion Portugal)
Let's talk about...Culture Change
Let's talk about...Personalentwicklung ungeschminkt
LLM Graduierungsfeier 2017-2019
Manageers Career Day
Managing the Digital Transformation
MBA Info Session | 2022-01-xx
MBA Info Session | Online 2020-08 | Top 10 FAQs about MBA Programs
MBA Info-Session | 2020-09-24
MBA Info-Session | Belgrade 2018-04-27 (canceled)
MBA Info-Session | Online 2020-06-05 | EMBA Bucharest
MBA Info-Session | Online 2017-08-02 GEMBA
MBA Info-Session | Online 2018-09-12 Executive MBA
MBA Info-Session | Online 2019-02-15 GEMBA
MBA Info-Session | Online 2019-02-22 GEMBA
MBA Info-Session | Online 2019-03-21
MBA Info-Session | Online 2019-07-11
MBA Info-Session | Online 2019-09-20
MBA Info-Session | Online 2019-10-11
MBA Info-Session | Online 2019-11-07
MBA Info-Session | Online 2019-12-05
MBA Info-Session | Online 2020-01-29
MBA Info-Session | Online 2020-01-30
MBA Info-Session | Online 2020-02-05 PMBA EBL
MBA Info-Session | Online 2020-02-13
MBA Info-Session | Online 2020-03-17
MBA Info-Session | Online 2020-04-08
MBA Info-Session | Online 2020-05-13 Admission & Application Steps
MBA Info-Session | Online 2020-06-09 | Doing an MBA/Master of Legal Studies Next to a Busy Schedule
MBA Info-Session | Online 2020-07 | unimy - The Real Value of the MBA Network
MBA Info-Session | Sofia 2016-03
MBA Info-Session | Vienna 2015-09-08
MBA Info-Session | Vienna 2015-09-16
MBA Info-Session | Vienna 2016-01-28
MBA Info-Session | Vienna 2016-04
MBA Info-Session | Vienna 2016-06-01
MBA Info-Session | Vienna 2016-09-01
MBA Info-Session | Vienna 2016-09-22
MBA Info-Session | Vienna 2017-01-31
MBA Info-Session | Vienna 2017-05-18
MBA Info-Session | Vienna 2017-09-26
MBA Info-Session | Vienna 2017-11-03 for GEMBA
MBA Info-Session | Vienna 2018-02-01
MBA Info-Session | Vienna 2018-05-29
MBA Info-Session | Vienna 2018-10-24
MBA Info-Session | Vienna 2019-01-30
MBA Info-Session | Vienna 2019-05-14
MBA Info-Session | Vienna 2019-10-23
MBA Info-Session | Vienna 2020-1-15
MBA Info-Session | Zagreb 2016-09-20
MBA Info-Session Online Streaming | Vienna 2017-05-18
MBA Q&A-Session | Vienna 2018-06-26
Modul 4: Strategisches Management für AufsichtsrätInnen
Modul 5: Risk Management und Controlling für Aufsichtsräte
Modul 6: Rechnungslegung und Abschlussprüfung für Aufsichtsräte
Module | Negotiations and Conflict Management (July 22-25, 2021)
Mumbai Global EMBA Infosession | Jan. 21 2019 | 5 pm Mumbai Time
Nachhaltigkeit & ESG – die Rolle des
NPO Kongress
OBSOLETE 2022-09-21 Female Power Hour + FLN4U **
Online info Session | 2021-3-9 | Professional Master Social Innovation & Management
Online Infosession | 09.06.2020 | PM Accounting, Auditing & Taxation
Online Infosession | 17.06.2021 | PM Accounting, Auditing & Taxation
Online Info-Session | 2016-05-02 Law programs
Online Info-Session | 2016-09-28 Master of Laws
Online Info-Session | 2017-02-28 PMBA PM
Online Info-Session | 2017-04-18 MLS EBL-en
Online Info-Session | 2017-04-18 MLS-de
Online Info-Session CILE 2016-06-27
Online Info-Session Employer Brand ManagerIn | 2016-02-15
Online Info-Session Employer Brand ManagerIn | 2016-03-02
Online Info-Session Executive Education | 2016-01-26
Online Info-Session PMBA Entrepreneurship & Innovation | 2018-04-12 (TU Wien Event)
Online MBA Info Session | 2020-09-02 | Financing
Online MBA Info Session | 2020-11-11 | GEMBA
Online MBA Info Session | 2020-12-1 | Busy Schedule
Online MBA Info Session 2021-01-13 How to Choose an MBA or a Master of Laws Program
Online MBA Info Session 2021-01-26 Alumni Talks: How Women Can Benefit from an MBA
Online MBA Info-Session | 2015-01
Online MBA Info-Session | 2015-02-04
Online MBA Info-Session | 2015-02-18 PGM
Online MBA Info-Session | 2015-03-10 Engl. Programme
Online MBA Info-Session | 2015-04-23 MS
Online MBA Info-Session | 2015-05-12 EM
Online MBA Info-Session | 2015-05-21 PfM
Online MBA Info-Session | 2015-05-27 PGM
Online MBA Info-Session | 2015-06-02
Online MBA Info-Session | 2015-06-09 Finance
Online MBA Info-Session | 2015-07-14 Energy
Online MBA Info-Session | 2015-08-19 Project Management
Online MBA Info-Session | 2015-08-26 Marketing & Sales
Online MBA Info-Session | 2015-10-12 GEMBA
Online MBA Info-Session | 2015-11-30 GEMBA
Online MBA Info-Session | 2016-02-23 GEMBA
Online MBA Info-Session | 2016-03-22 Energy
Online MBA Info-Session | 2016-04-21 Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Online MBA Info-Session | 2016-06-09
Online MBA Info-Session | 2016-07-04
Online MBA Info-Session | 2016-10-12 Energy
Online MBA Info-Session | 2017-01-25
Online MBA Info-Session | 2017-02-09
Online MBA Info-Session | 2017-04-18 Energy
Online MBA Info-Session | 2017-06-13 GEMBA
Online MBA Info-Session | 2017-07-27 PMBA Finance
Online MBA Info-Session | 2017-08-02 EMBA Bucharest
Online MBA Info-Session | 2017-08-31 Energy
Online MBA Info-Session | 2017-09-21 GEMBA
Online MBA Info-Session | 2017-10-18 GEMBA
Online MBA Info-Session | 2017-11-29 GEMBA
Online MBA Info-Session | 2018-01-08 GEMBA
Online MBA Info-Session | 2018-02-22
Online MBA Info-Session | 2018-06-12 PMBA MS
Online MBA Info-Session | 2018-06-25 EMBA-DE
Online MBA Info-Session | 2018-07-12 PMBA EM
Online MBA Info-Session | 2018-08-01 English Programs
Online MBA Info-Session | 2018-09-12 Professional MBA
Online MBA Info-Session | 2018-10-17 GEMBA
Online MBA Info-Session | 2018-11-21 GEMBA
Online MBA Info-Session | 2018-12-12 GEMBA
Online MBA Info-Session | 2019-01-09 GEMBA
Online MBA Info-Session | 2019-04-10
Online MBA Info-Session | 2019-05-07
Online MBA Info-Session | 2019-06-04
Online MBA Info-Session | 2019-07-16 PMBA PM
Online MBA Info-Session | 2019-08-22
Online MBA Info-Session | Executive MBA Bucharest | 2018-04-04
Online MBA Info-Session auf Deutsch | 2018-03-14
Online MBA Info-Session auf Deutsch | 2018-05-02
Online MBA Info-Session auf Deutsch | 2018-06-12
Online MBA Info-Session in English | 2018-03-14
Online MBA Info-Session in English | 2018-05-02
Online MBA Info-Session in English | 2018-06-12
Online PMBA EI Info-Session | 2017-04-06
Online PMBA MS Info-Session | 2017-06-13
Online PMBA SM Info-Session | 2017-05-11
Online Q&A Session | 2017 06 29 PMBA Business Core Start
Online Q&A Session | 2017 08 31 PMBA
Online Q&A Session | 2018 06 19 PMBA Business Core Start
Online Q&A Session | 2018 09 06 Business Core Start
Online Q&A Session | 2019 05 07 Business Core Start
Online Q&A Session | 2019 09 04 Business Core Start
Outlook on your EMBA journey
Outlook on your MBA journey
Outlook on your MBA journey - EMBA Energy
Outlook on your MBA journey - EMBA Energy Management
Outlook on your MBA journey - EMBA Finance
Panel Discussion: Data Science, AI, Big Data and Blockchain
Panel Discussion: How to successfully implement AI and Data-Driven Business
Personalentwicklung 4.0 - Personalentwicklung als Kernprozess der Unternehmensführung
PM SIM 2023-2024 | Moduleweek 5
PM SIM 21-23 Moduleweek 5
PMBA Graduation 2017
PMBA Graduation 2018
PMBA Graduierung 2015
PMBA Graduierung 2016
POSTPONED 2024-09-18 LinkedIn Advanced
Product Innovation & Product Design E&I
Product Innovation & Product Design EI
Product Innovation & Product Design MS
Product Innovation & Product Design SMS
Project Leadership (Field Trip SPM)
Project Vernissage (PMBA 2019-21) Studierende
Project Vernissage (PMBA 2019-21)** InteressentInnen & Alumni
Q&A Online Infosession I PMBA Mobility Management I 10.30-11.30 am
Q&A Online Infosession I PMBA Mobility Management I 2-3 pm
Q&A Online Infosession I PMBA Mobility Management I 5-6 pm
Q&A Session Sofia | 2017-06-14
Q&A Session Sofia | 2018-03-22
Silicon Savannah - the Next Frontier
STORNO 2021-03-30 CEM Virtual Hub Reunion - Linkedin Strategy
Tag der offenen Tür WU 2016-03
test 1000
Test 9
Test CA BK
Test Campaign AP
Test Campaign Event
test cd ca
Test Concept Event 4B
Test Concept Event 6
Test Concept Event 8
Test Event BK - Copy
Test event is full
test link
Test Reminder
Test Reminder
Test WU Alumni
Test WU Alumni
Top Alumni Liste 2015
Vienna Residency / Change Management / EMBA Bucharest
Vienna Residency / Change Management / EMBA Bucharest
Welcome Reception for the MBA Energy Management class 2016-2018
Welcome Reception MBA Energy Management 2017-2019
Welcome Reception MBA Energy Management 2018 - 2020
Why a culture of giving makes companies more successful
WU EA Business Breakfast: Was steckt wirklich hinter ESG? Buzzword vs. Professionelles Sustainable M
WU EA Morning Talk: Purpose vs. Payment
WU Executive Academy Morning Talk: 21. Jahrhundert: Der/die ManagerIn als Auslaufmodell?
WU Executive Academy Morning Talk: Durch Selbstmanagement und mentaler Stärke zum Erfolg
WU Master Day 2015-03-25
WU Master Day 2015-11-04
You, Me, and ESG: Die Schlüsselrolle von HR in der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation
Zertifikatskurs Employer Brand ManagerIn - Alumnitreffen #3
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By registering for the event, you consent to the WU Executive Academy processing the data you provided during registration for the purposes of registration, implementation and documentation of the event as well as for the purpose of informing you about future events and sending study-relevant information, promotions and surveys, according to the selected program, as described in more detail in the
data protection declaration for events
and for
inforequest forms